Laura Valle is Associate Professor of Private Law at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano where she teaches Private Law, Contract Law and Legal Aspects of IT. In May 2021 she achieved the National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor of Private Law. She holds a PhD in Civil Law from the University of Bologna and she has spent research periods at the Max Planck Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, at the Institut für Internationales Privat und Wirtschafts Recht, University of Heidelberg, and at the Institute of Advanced International Studies, London. Her research activity and publications has dealt primarily with contract law, consumer protection, European contract law. In the last years she has developed her research also in the fields of data protection law, IT contracts, legal instruments for sustainable and social responsible enterprises, legal instruments for the succession of the family businesses. She has been the Co-Investigator of the Research Project “Trusted Cloud Computing for Europe 2020” (1.2.2015 – 31.1.2018) financed by Unibz, the Principal Investigator of the Research Project “Contract, sustainability, human rights and the Corporate Social Responsibility” (15.12.2016-15.12.2019) financed by Unibz, and she is the Principal Investigator of the Interdisciplinary Research Project “Handing over the family business to the next generations and the succession law in Europe” (15.1.2019-14.7.2022) financed by Unibz. In 2020 she published the book Laura Valle, Il contratto e la realizzazione dei diritti della persona, Torino, ed. Giappichelli, 2020, pp. 1-402.
Valle, L., & Marullo (2022). Contract as an Instrument achieving Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Goals, in Baroncelli, S., & Valle, L., Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Rights and Sustainable Development: Integrated Perspectives from International Law, EU Law and Contract Law, Special Issue, International Community Law Review, London, Brill Publ., forthcoming.
Valle, Russo, Bonzagni, & Locatello (2018). Struttura dei contratti e trattamento dei dati personali nei servizi di cloud computing alla luce del nuovo Reg. 2016/679 UE. Contratto e impresa/Europa, 343-406.
Russo, B., Valle, L., Bonzagni, G., Locatello, D., Pancaldi, M., & Tosi, D. (2018). Cloud computing and the new EU general data protection regulation. IEEE Cloud Computing, 5(6), 58-68.
Valle, L., & Greco, L. (2017). Transnazionalità del trattamento dei dati personali e tutela degli interessati, tra strumenti di diritto internazionale privato e la prospettiva di principi di diritto privato di formazione internazionale. Diritto dell’informazione e dell’informatica, 169-222.