2024 Ulysses Digital Student Competition on Family Business

Research team: Dr. Paola Rovelli, Dr. Peter Trümmel

External partners: University of Szeged, Management Center Innsbruck, University of Vienna, Univations Gmbh, Agentur fundus

Previously founded as an ERASMUS+ programma (2021-2023), the Ulysses Contest is aimed to organize every year a digital case study competition based on cases from family firms in Austria, Italy and Hungary. The competition gives students the opportunity to transfer theoretical knowledge into practice and to work in a team to create a solution proposal for a current problem in a family business.

The project is developed by the Centre for Family Business Management in collaboration with University of Szeged, Management Center Innsbruck, University of Vienna, Univations Gmbh and Agentur fundus.

For more information visit: https://www.ulysses-contest.eu/

To stay updated, please register to the newsletter: https://www.ulysses-contest.eu/newsletter/

Competition material


05.06.2024 | Winners of Ulysses Contest 2024

The Ulysses Contest, being the first European digital student competition of its kind, is over!
We congratulate all participants on their great work and proudly present the 3 teams who reached the highest points with their presentations on June 05th:

Winning teams of 2024

  • 1st place: Team 18 from Free University of Bozen-Bolzano – Carlo Juan Rabino, Elena Vecchiatti, Jonaitis Mindaugas, Pietro D’Agaro, Simone Faieta
  • 2nd place: Team 7 from MCI – Johanna Bruckner, Lisa Walla, Mariella Brunner, Victoria Albertini
  • 3rd place: Team 26 – Dominika Gábor, Endre Véh, Gerg Vincze, Maja Komlós

THANKS to all who participated to the Ulysses Contest – you can be very proud of yourself! Memories, experiences, learnings & connections which will hopefully last forever.

21.02.2024 | Call for participation

“Ulysses Digital Student Competition on Family Business” (ULYSSES) focuses on providing a first-hand insight into family firms, gathering real-life case studies from these firms so that university students would be able to gain practical entrepreneurial learning experiences and to enhance their digital skills. ULYSSES will provide this combined chance by setting up the 1st digital European student competition that focuses explicitly on family businesses. In this competition, students work in groups of 4-5 members to solve real-life case studies provided by family firms.

Short facts

  • Title: Ulysses Digital Student Competition on Family Business
  • Registration deadline: March 27, 2024
  • Opening cerimony: April 10, 2024, 11:00 AM
  • Time: First round: April 10-24, 2024 – Second round: May 6-20, 2024
  • Final live online presentation: June 5, 2024
  • Format: self-paced, online competition
  • Group size: 4 or 5 students per team (registration possible individually, in pairs or in 4- or 5-member groups)
  • Methodology: self-paced and task-driven solving of cases in a virtual format
  • Language: English
  • Link to registration: https://tasks.mci.edu/de/anmeldung/form/registration-ulysses-digital-student-competition-on-family-business or through the same link via https://www.ulysses-contest.eu/

Click here for more details

20.02.2024 | Join us on our social media channels!

Of course, a digital student competition needs its own social media channels to get known and out into this world! Have your pick and spread the word in your favorite social media channel.

If you have any further questions, send us a DM or drop us an email at info@ulysses-contest.eu

To keep being updated about news on the Ulysses Contest, register to our newsletter!

For information on past editions of the Ulysses Contest click here