Paola Rovelli is Senior Assistant Professor at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Faculty of Economics and Management), working at the Centre for Family Business Management. Previously, she was a post-doc research fellow at Politecnico di Milano School of Management, where in 2017 she got her PhD summa cum laude with a thesis on the allocation of decision authority at the top of firms’ hierarchy. She carries out research on organizational design of firms and their top management teams, with particular attention towards family firms, delegation of decision authority, narcissism and gender issues. She recently published research articles in Journal of Management Studies, European Management Journal, Long Range Planning, Personality and Individual Differences, and The Leadership Quarterly. Paola is member of AOM, IFERA, ODC and AiIG, and she serves as reviewer on leading journals such as Family Business Review, European Research Journal, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Small Business Management, Small Business Economics, and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.